Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Best Tips for Teaching English in Thailand

ไม่ได้เห็นด้วยกับทุกข้อแต่สามารถนำไปใช้ได้กับเด็กๆนะครับ เหมาะกับผู้ปกครองและคุณครูเพื่อนำไปปรับใช้

Read on to know the best tips for teaching English in Thailand in the following paragraphs:
  • Don’t speak Thai: This might surprise you a bit, but as teachers you must never converse in the native language of Thailand. The idea is to compel students to learn English effectively. Just think practically. If you speak Thai or ‘Tinglish’ (a combination of Thai and English) during lessons, your students would be tempted to speak the difficult terms of English in Thai. This would check their progress in imbibing the basics of a new language. So, even if you know Thai, always speak in English inside classrooms.
  • Plan English lessons: Nothing can defeat a systematic planning. Ensure that you print out the lesson plan properly, including your topic, goals and exercises which you would assign to students following your academic session. You would be amazed to see how simpler the lessons turn out if you follow this thumb rule religiously. Your plan need not be elaborate. Just mention the highlights of your lecture and its aims. You can also create a great impression of yours amongst your colleagues and students by maintaining this habit.
  • Choose schools carefully: Which kind of a school would you prefer teaching in? Decide carefully. Government schools, private schools and language institutes are the three main categories of educational institutions in Thailand. Join a government school if you are seeking a Monday to Friday job. The best part of such schools is that they let you relax during late evenings and even the weekends! On the other hand, language schools might be a bit taxing for you. This is because teachers of such schools are expected to work throughout weekends and also during nights, as a greater number of students are working professionals.
Private schools greatly differ from government schools. For, government schools would possess only a single teacher imparting English lessons, while there might be numerous English teachers in the private ones.
  • Beware of work permit: Before leaving for Thailand, ensure that you select a proper organization who would assist you in arranging your visa and work permit agreement for you. You are required to undergo official obligations and submit certain documents to the government for acquiring a work permit. First of all, you need a ‘Non-B Immigrant Visa’. Then, that Visa should be changed to a formal work permit. So, yes, these are some major challenges you must deal with. Don’t expect your school to come to your rescue in such matters.
  • Your qualifications matter: To teach English in Thailand, you must be well-equipped with a degree from a recognized university. Besides, you must be a native speaker of the English language, apart from possessing a Teaching of English as a Second of Foreign Language (TESOL) certificate. Having a certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) also helps! And, if you aim to teach at university levels, you must have a master’s degree in the field of education.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Another Great Way to Learn English by Yourself!

You can learn English all by yourself using common tools that are actually around you. I'm talking about watching movies, listening to music, practicing reading news aloud, or chatting with native speakers. It isn't too difficult to do one or even all of these activities right "at your desk" as long as you have Internet access. At the end, you only need to aim high and set your goal plus don't forget to correct yourself. And if you have any questions, feel free to stop by and ask me at the school! So let's watch a movie or two? :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Mother's Day วันแม่ปีนี้ทำอะไรกันดี

ปีนี้นักเรียนของอิงลิชคอร์นเนอร์สาขานครสวรรค์เตรียมทำกิจกรรมสนุกๆเพื่อทำเป็นของให้คุณแม่กันนะครับ ติดตามได้เร็วๆนี้