Monday, January 18, 2016

แบบฝึกหัดภาษาอังกฤษ ง่ายๆสไตล์ครูเจน

Fill in the blanks:

1. How long _________ you been here? 
2. I __________ understand what it means.
3. You _________ my best friend because you always ________ me.
4. Mike really loves his parents. ________ always take a good care of him.
5. I ________ Thai. I _______ from Thailand.
6. Thomas _______ a new toy last week.
7. Lisa and Patty ________ been friends for years.
8. That monkey ______ lived here since 2013.
9. My dad _______ go to work yesterday because he _____ a bad cold.
10. Where ______ you doing? I ____ _______ noodle at a new restaurant. 


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