Thursday, August 16, 2018

ข้อสอบเข้าม.1 Part Conversation

1. Situation: At the restaurant. 

Waitress:  _____________?

Customer:  Yes, please.  

1. May I take you out  

2. Would you like to order  

3. Can you help me with this  

4. Would you help me

2.  Situation:  At workplace.  

A: Let’s go to the movie after work.  

B: ____________. And I'm too tired. 

1. It’s boring for me.  

2. It’s a good idea.  

3. I’m busy right now.  

4. I’m free today.

3.  Situation: You’re in a canteen, looking for a seat. 

A: ______________?  

B: Sorry. This seat has already been taken.  

1. Could you sit here  

2. Can I smoke here 

3. Could you move  

4. May I sit here


A: How many people are there in your family?  

B: _____________.  

1. There are two boys.  

2. There are two girls.  

3. There are three people.  

4. There are two younger sisters.


A: ____________________?

B: I was born on 25th December 1969.

1. When is your birthday

2. When will you be born

3. Whose birthday is it 

4. What day is your birthday

6.   John: Excuse me, __________________?

Mary: Sure. No problem.

1.  could you help me move this table

2.  do you mind moving this table

3.  did you move this table 

4.  do you move this table

7. Situation:  On Christmas day.
A: What do you have for your parents?

B: ____________.

1.  I made a card for them

2.  I bought a pumpkin

3.  I got a red rose

4.  I went to the temple


Nick:  Thank you for your help.

Mary:  ______________.

1.  With pleasure.                             

2.  Of course.                     

3.  Good job!  

4.  Well done!
9. Tom:  I’m sorry. I must go now.   ____________.
    Tim:  Bye. Talk to you later. 

1.  Okay                             

2.  See you  

3.  Good night                     

4.  It’s all right


A: What do people do on Christmas day?

B: ____________________.

1. They play trick or treat at night.

2. They hang socks on the wall.

3. They give roses to the others.

4. They write sweet poems.

11.  Situation: At the hospital.
A: _________________?

B:  I have a cold.

1. Who’s with you

2. What do you do

3. What’s the matter

4. How did you get here  

12.   A:  How old are you ?
        B:  ________________.

1. I am twenty – first

2. I am fourteen

3. I am fifteenth

4. I am eleventh

13.  Situation: In a park
Sam:  Do you mind if I have a picnic here?
 Neoy:  __________________.
 Sam:  Thank you.         

1. Certainly not

2. Of course

3. Yes, I do

4. No, you don’t  

14. Situation: At the party
 Tim:  Hello. Would you like some coke?
 Nan:  _________. Water, please.      

1. Yes, please.

2. No, I’m not.

3. No, thanks.

4. Yes, thank you.

15.  Situation:  In the kitchen.
Mother:  ____________?
Suda:  Here you are.         

1. Could you pass me a knife

2. Are you holding a knife

3. Would you like a knife
4. Will you use a knife

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